20:30 hrs. Teatro Degollado
12:30 hrs. Teatro Degollado
Program 1
Marco Parisotto, Music Director
Who will be arriving soon to the legendary Teatro Degollado in our own beloved city of Guadalajara? One of the most noteworthy personalities to take up the guitar in our time: the Canadian phenomenon Pavlo Simtikidis, better known simply as PAVLO. During the course of a fruitful career already spanning more than two decades, the compositions of Pavlo have treated his audiences to a fascinating musical amalgam that he himself calls "Mediterranean music”, a blend of Greek, Flamenco, Latin, and even Balkan flavours, wrapped in contemporary pop.
The OFJ welcomes Pavlo and his guitar in some of his original works, such as Highstrung, Under the heat, Paradise, Tisfteteli, Love Letter, Cuban Brass Cowboy, Eternal Flower, and Pavlo Style, among others, and complementing these works with orchestral repertoire of a Mediterranean character: Debussy´s Iberia, Manuel de Falla´s Ritual Fire Dance, and Ravel´s La Valse.
PAVLO, Highstrung
PAVLO, Love You Forever
Claude Achille DEBUSSY, Iberia: Le matin d’un jour de Fête
PAVLO, Paradise
Manuel de FALLA, El Amor Brujo: Danza ritual del fuego
PAVLO, Tisfteteli
PAVLO, Under the heat
PAVLO, Cuban Brass Cowboy
PAVLO, Love Letter
PAVLO, Andalusia By Night
PAVLO, Canción del Mariachi
Maurice RAVEL, La Valse
PAVLO, Eternal Flower
PAVLO, Pavlo Style
Thursday, February 1st, 8:30 PM
Sunday, February 4th, 12:30 PM
First Orchestra Season 2018, Teatro Degollado
*30% Discounts for seniors, students, teachers, and persons with disabilities
*Programming subject to change without notice