20:30 hrs. Teatro Degollado
12:30 hrs. Teatro Degollado
Program 5
Marco Parisotto, Music Director
Piotr Ilich TCHAIKOVSKY, Serenade for strings, Op. 48 in C major
Piotr Ilich TCHAIKOVSKY, Symphony No. 6 in B minor, Op. 74, “Pathetique”
Thursday, March 8th, 8:30 PM
Sunday, March 11th, 12:30 PM
First Orchestra Season 2018
The OFJ, under the direction of its Music Director, Marco Parisotto, has been considered a great interpreter of the music of Russian composer Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky. With that in mind, the orchestra now presents a program which aims to demonstrate two different musical and emotional facets of this composer´s output:
On the one hand, the justly famous Serenade for strings, of which its author wrote: “I am unsure whether it´s because this is the youngest of my offspring, or because it really isn´t half bad, but I am truly in love with my Serenade.” Our composer´s passion for this music also results from it being an homage to Mozart,Tchaikovsky´s musical idol throughout his lifetime.
On the other hand, the OFJ will also present Tchaikovsky´s "passionate suffering" side in his beloved swansong: the Symphony No. 6 entitled Pathetique, an at once exciting and painful reflection on his own life in its totality, premiered a few short days before the composer´s death.
Marco Parisotto will conduct this Tchaikovsky program on the 8th and 11th of March.
*"A Guide for the Listener", music appreciation lecture prior to the concert, Thursday at 7:00 PM and Sunday at 11:00 AM
*30% Discounts for seniors, students, teachers, and persons with disabilities
*Programming subject to change without notice