20:30 hrs. Teatro Degollado
12:30 hrs. Teatro Degollado
Orquesta Filarmónica de Jalisco
Jesús Medina, Music Director
Soloist: Nicolas Koeckert, violin.
GLIÈRE, Russian Sailors Dance
TCHAIKOVSKY, Concerto for violin and orchestra in D Major, opus 35
SHOSTAKOVICH, Symphony No. 5 in d minor, opus 47
Thursday, March 7th, 8:30 PM
Sunday, March 10th, 12:30 PM
First Orchestra Season 2019, Teatro Degollado
This season`s second program culminates in one of the most powerful works of the entire symphonic repertoire, the Fifth Symphony of Shostakovich. Seeming to some ears a song of triumph, it is, in fact, a heart-rending cry of anguish. Beforehand, we will listen to one of the three most noteworthy concertos written for violin, and, perhaps, the violin concerto most beloved by the public: the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto, whose glorious romanticism sweeps us off our feet. The concert will begin with the spirited, very Slavic Russian Sailors Dance by Glière.
*Tickets range from $110.00 to $200.00 pesos.
*Discounts: 30% for students, teachers, senior citizens, and persons with disabilities
*Programming subject to change without notice.